Sunday, 2 July 2017

ADIDAS Cross Country Running Routes at Bloodworth Park- Friday August 11th 9:45-12.30pm

Routes: see below for the courses
Fundraising: forms and instructions  to be handed out on July 4th 

We would like to get the racing underway around 9:45am. These are approximate timings and will not necessarily be strictly adhered to.
Year 5  Girls     9.45am                                              Year 3  Girls     11.20am
Year 5  Boys     9.50am                                              Year  3 Boys     11.25am

Year 6  Girls     10.05am                                              Year 4  Girls     11.35am
Year 6 Boys     10.10am                                              Year 4 Boys     11.40am

Year 7 Girls     10.30am                                              Year 1 Girls     11.55am
Year 7  Boys     10.35am                                              Year 1 Boys     12.00pm

Year 8 Girls     10.50am                                              Year 2 Girls     12.05pm

Year 8 Boys     10.55am                                              Year 2 Boys     12.10pm

Please encourage students to wear their house coloured t-shirt
Te Arawa          Tokomaru                Tainui                  Aotea
If your child does not know which house they are in please ask your classroom teacher
 – house points will be awarded. Students will need to change back into their uniform and school shoes for after the event due to the terrain circumstances – this can be done back at school. 

ADIDAS Cross Country Marshall needed please

Course Marshalls required:
Email if you can volunteer for one of the course marshall times.  Please select a time your child is NOT racing so you can watch their race.

Setup n Yr 5-8 races                         9.00 -11am
Yr 3-4 races                                      11-12.15
Yr 1-2  race and packup course        12.15-12.30

Barbarians Rugby Funday report

Thanks to William Waite and John Worth for coaching and organising the team for this great event.

The weather held up and although the terrain was soggy underfoot their was a happy team and the last game was full of action and team tries.


Term 2 Sports Assembly Tuesday 4th 12.30pm in the Hall

Reminder that the Year 5-8 Sports Assembly is in the school hall starting at 12.30pm.

PDS Ski team announced
TriStar Gymnasts acknowledged
Barbarians Rugby team receive certificates from William Waite
Bays Suburbs Year 6 Football Team receive certificates for placing at tournament
Mr Kaho presents Intermediate certificates and Football Report
Ms Williams presents Intermediate Hockey certificates to Year 7-8 girls team

Term 3 sports agenda
ADIDAS Cross Country organisation and routes discussed


Gymnastics Funday report

Thank you to Lisa Beuvink, Natalie Stephan and Nick Savill and all the parent drivers for their efforts last Thursday 29th June.

The team has been training with their coach Andrea Kenwright and their efforts have paid off as the gymnasts were able to complete their routines and they all looked fantastic in their school leotards.

Next competition is Term 3, Week 3 on Thursday 10th August at TriStar.  The gymnasts will perform the same routines so they will get another chance to shine.

Newsletters of permission and participation will need to be collected from Room 27 by Wednesday 5th July and returned to school by Friday 7th July.