Routes: see below for the courses
Fundraising: forms and instructions to be handed out on July 4th
We would like to get the racing underway around 9:45am. These are approximate timings and will not necessarily be strictly adhered to.
Year 5 Girls 9.45am Year 3 Girls 11.20am
Year 5 Boys 9.50am Year 3 Boys 11.25am
Year 6 Girls 10.05am Year 4 Girls 11.35am
Year 6 Boys 10.10am Year 4 Boys 11.40am
Year 7 Girls 10.30am Year 1 Girls 11.55am
Year 7 Boys 10.35am Year 1 Boys 12.00pm
Year 8 Girls 10.50am Year 2 Girls 12.05pm
Year 8 Boys 10.55am Year 2 Boys 12.10pm
Please encourage students to wear their house coloured t-shirt
Te Arawa Tokomaru Tainui Aotea
If your child does not know which house they are in please ask your classroom teacher
– house points will be awarded. Students will need to change back into their uniform and school shoes for after the event due to the terrain circumstances – this can be done back at school.