Thursday 8 October 2015

Invasive Games - NEW game to try with your family

Teaching Games for Understanding

In games as in life the purpose of rules is to provide the "players" with safety and fairness.

Each week we will post invasive games that are not based on physical speed ; rather speed of thought and execution- have fun trying these small-sided games with your friends and family.

Wacky Water- by Lucy Watson

You need several plastic cups (the bigger the better), an outdoor area, and at least two players.

(1)    Start by heading outside with the family for some outdoor fun.
(2)    Set up a designated area to play in. Have a strip clear where people can run.
(3)    Fill one cup up to suitable level depending on the players abilities.  
(4)    All players line up in one line.
(5)    Player number one runs in a line with their cup and water. Once they have reached the designated end of the strip they then turn around and run back to the rest of the players in a line.
(6)    Player one is now at the front of the line and has to lift their cup above their head and pour it into the persons cup behind them, without looking. This requires good hand eye co-ordination on behalf of player two.
(7)    Player one now moves to the back of the line.

(8)    Player two does the same process as player one. Each player does this until you are back at player one, and then you continue again for as many rounds as desired.

Couch volleyball
You need a couch (or similar obstacle), a balloon and at least two people.

Pull the couch away from the wall and arrange competitors on either side.  Players are on their knees.  Play volleyball!  The aim is to try to get the balloon on the ground on the other side of the couch.  Movement is restricted because players are on their knees, and the room furnishings and decorations are safe as the balloon travels slowly, so this is a great game to play inside.  Score points if you wish to be competitive, keep a tally on the fridge and compare with your neighbours. Maybe you will get a tournament going!

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