Thursday, 23 February 2017

PDS Swimming Trials Friday 3rd March

Parnell Swimming Trials for Year 5-8 students

On Friday March 3rd at University of Auckland., Epsom Campus, Gate 9 St Andrews Road entry. 
Departing PDS at 8.45am in private vehicles and returning to PDS by 12.30 ish
Students will be notified by Wednesday which car they will be travelling in.

Parent helpers- if you can help at the Swimming Trials please email

Students are to wear their PDS Sports uniform, please bring along two towels and goggles and a plastic bag.  You will need water and food for the day.

Swimming Programme Outline (the below heats may change to Mixed heats)

Morning Programme, 9.15am Start to 12 pm
Timed finals
To be eligible for Bay Suburbs and Eastern Zones you will need to qualify and be present on the PDS Swimming Trails.
50m Freestyle- Finals if time
Year 8 Mixed
Year 7 Mixed 
25m Freestyle
            Year 6 Boys
            Year 6 Girls
Year 5 Boys
Year 5 Girls
50m Butterfly
            Year 7&8 Mixed timed final
25m Butterfly
            Year 5&6 Mixed timed final

50m Backstroke
            Year 8 mixed timed final
            Year 7 mixed timed final

25m Backstroke
            Year 6 Boys
            Year 6 Girls
Year 5 Boys
            Year 5 Girls

50m Breaststroke
            Year 8 – heats to be decided
            Year 7 - heats to be decided
25m Breaststroke
            Year 6 Boys
            Year 6 Girls
Year 5 Boys
            Year 5 Girls

100m Freestyle
            Year 7&8 Girls timed final
            Year 7/8 Boys timed final

100m Individual Medley
Possible x 4- 25m relays for all students

Please note that races where there are mixed gender or year levels are organised to get through the events in a timely manner. Certificates for these races will be presented by gender and age group irrespective of the mixed race.

Tennis Roadshow comes to PDS

Thank you to Gayle and her team of Coaches from KiwiTennis for taking 5 workshops based around-serving, striking, control, body and movement.  The Year 5-6 students from Room 26, 29 and all the Swimmers attending the PDS Swimming Trials had a blast.

The students from Room 28 and Room 30 will be in for a treat next Friday when they have their tennis experience.


Thursday, 16 February 2017

Football Kidz After school programme at PDS

Thanks to Tom Speers and his team of coaches for taking skills sessions with he Year 1-6 students last Friday.

If you are interested in registering your child into Football skills after school please ask you childs classroom teacher for a registration form

Weetbix TRYathlon Report

Congratulations to the team of fit PDS students who participated in the Weetbix TRYathlon last weekend at Pt England Reserve.

Also a big thank you to the support crew for delivering the sports gear and children on time and to Judy Stitchbury and Richard George for supporting our students.

I thought the new venue worked much better as the space was more open, easier to get to and easier to watch all three disciplines.

I hope you all had as much fun completing the course as I did watching the event.

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PDS Team of 2017 at assembly this morning

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Bay Suburbs and Eastern Zones Softball Registrations OPEN now

To the Year 5-8 students,

If you are interested in representing PDS at the first competitive sporting event of the year please register your name this week.

Year 5-6 boys and girls teams- list on Workroom window
Year 7-8 boys and girls teams- list on Sports Board in Intermediate Foyer

More information will be sent once the teams are selected.

Thank you

Weetbix TRYathlon this Sunday

Good luck to all the PDS students who have registered for the Weetbix TRYathlon this Sunday 12th at Pt England Reserve.

Please remind your child that there will be a TRYathlon meeting tomorrow in Rm 27 at 11.10am to discuss the days events.

If there is any parent that can take the school gazeboo to the event it would be greatly appreciated.

If any packs arrive at the school this week I will send them home with your child.

If you have any questions regarding the Event please contact me at

Good luck and I hope the weather is fantastic